

Wednesday 3 September 2014

You can help - It's Easy.
A little of your time will go a long way. 

Africa is different from the UK. We are normally fit and can resist most diseases. When illness does break through, there is the NHS

In Africa malnutrition and poor hygiene means small illnesses often become major  - and when they do there is little medical cover. 

So this lad. He was wandering around outside a health centre. His eye swelling was so gross, I was not sure what it was - then the penny dropped -  Conjunctivitis - with a lot of rubbing with grubby hands. In the UK a whiff of drops. In Africa rubbing and infection can lead to Trachoma then blindness. It is so unfair!! 

Our project is working in Uganda so more lads can get advice and drops and not go blind. 


And you can help by:
  • Joining Give As You Live. It's an easy way to do your shopping online while supporting us without cost to yourselves. Here is the link : Click here 
  • Joining the Give a Little; Get a Lot campaign.
  • Recycling your used printer cartridges in our envelopes
For details and other ideas, please click this link

Monday 1 September 2014


UK Money is making a difference. The office is totally dependent on our funding and now we have increasing opportunities to save lives by upgrading Oberabic further.

We have some skills help in the UK. It would be great to have more. 

Here are four money raising ideas.

Idea 1 - Recycle Printer Cartridge

So simple. So effective. Please put your used printer cartridges in one of our envelopes. We can send one to you if you give our address or you can order direct from the charity recycle firm by clicking this link.. www.recycle4charity.co.uk/Register/C59069

Toners. If you have access to these, please let us know so we can arrange collection.

Idea 2 - Give a Little;Get a Lot. 
We give a little; They get a lot! Be a hero and save lives. Please consider setting up a standing order for £1.00/month. It will make a big difference to us. It takes a little time; please do it now!

  • Bank TSB
  • Sort: 30 - 90 - 95
  • Account No: 0190468
  • Name: Nechells and Overseas Care Fund (NOCF)
If you would like to gift aid your donation please print this form (Form Here) and post or scan it back to us . If you don't have time for the gift aid, skip it and  just complete the donation  -  please.

Idea 3 - Charity Choice
If you prefer to give a one off by credit card
please click this link (Link)  Donation button
is yellow, top right of page. Gift aid can be
organised through the site.

Idea 4 - Advocacy
How about that MAD thing -- Making A Difference. Would you be willing to ask your friends and contacts to recycle their spent printer cartridges for us?. My dentist and tennis club are onto it -  Church next. Could you do it? We can send you our leaflet if you ask on dnuds321@gmail.com.. It outlines the used printer idea an also our needs.

And we also need help with skills

Idea 5 - skills
We really need help with

  • IT to produce this blog, letters and eventually website
  • Fund raising. People with skills and time to help us with this.
  • People able to go to visit Uganda: to take photo’s, do reports, to build, to administer, doctors, nurses.

We are working on other ideas

MAIN BENEFICIARY -Oberabic Health Centre

Main Beneficiary - Oberabic Health Centre -            Main Need  - Solar for fridge and light                                                                                                                                for Night Deliveries

Oberabic Health Centre.
£5000 needed.

For details on how and why to help please click this  link